Knowledge of EC Among Male Students in Latvia

In an effort to curb the number of unwanted pregnancies in Latvia, a small-scale study was undertaken to determine male students’ knowledge about and attitudes towards EC, the first of its kind undertaken in this country. Researchers posited that within Riga Stradins University, male students of the Social Science Faculty were less informed about EC…

Perceptions of EC in France Among Women and Gynecologists

In 2012, HRA Pharma and the BVA Institute conducted a survey among a representative sample of 2,500 women aged 16-45 on their perceptions of EC. The survey found that among women who reported having unprotected or inadequately protected intercourse, only 20% used EC, due mainly to an underestimation of the risk of pregnancy. This survey…

UK Study Examines the Impact of New FSRH Guidelines on Use of EC

A recent UK study examined how the use of ulipristal acetate (UPA), levonorgestrel (LNG), and the copper-intrauterine device for emergency contraception changed following the introduction of new UK Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) guidelines. The new guidelines recommend that for emergency contraception, health professionals should discuss individual needs and inform women of the…

German Health Committee Rejects Request for OTC LNG EC

On May 15th, the Health Committee of the Bundestag  (German parliament) resolved not to remove the prescription status of LNG EC. The coalition currently in office (CDU and FDP),  turned down the request by the SPD and Die LINKE parties to change LNG to prescription-free status. The political parties that requested the change of status claim…

Study Finds Spanish Women Highly Value Hormonal EC

Data from the study “Women’s perception of emergency contraceptive pills” are now available. The study examined Spanish women’s opinions and knowledge on hormonal EC. The researchers’ findings included the following: 84% of Spanish women consider that having the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) available is a major breakthrough for woman. 76% considered that the ECP is…

Germans debate prescription status of LNG EC

In Germany, the discussion continues over whether levonorgestrel-only emergency contraception should be issued in the future without a doctor’s prescription. Currently, a prescription is still needed in order to purchase emergency contrantraception, and only physicians can prescribe it. At a hearing of the Health Committee of the Bundestag in April, testimony was given by health…

Scottish health group calls for EC in schools

A health group in Scotland is calling on government Ministers to allow school nurses to dispense emergency contrantraception to students.  The Scottish Sexual Health Lead Clinicians Group suggests that nurses could dispense condoms and emergency contraception to school children in order to help reduce teen pregnancy rates, which have been holding steady at 7.1 per 1,000…

German bishops support EC for rape victims

In a welcome announcement, Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne, Germany stated that he supported the use of emergency contrantraception in Catholic hospitals to treat rape victims since it did not induce abortions. This statement comes after two Catholic hospitals in Germany received widespread negative press after refusing to treat a female rape victim because they could…

ECEC goes to Copenhagen

ECEC will be attending the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health’s first global conference on contraception, reproductive and sexual health in May in Copenhagen, Denmark. The sessions that are specifically focused on emergency contraception are highlighted below: Friday, 24 May 2013 16:30 – 17:30 Sponsored Symposium HRA Pharma: The unpredictable ovulation: critical in evolution and central…