New data on EC provision in 42 countries

March 2023. Since 2010, USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM), collects data on national contraceptive security policies.

In collaboration with ECEC and ICEC, GHSC-PSM just published a brief that highlights trends and recent findings from survey data specific to emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), including: 

  • supply of ECPs in the public and private sectors;
  • inclusion of ECPs on national essential medicines lists:
  • levels of health providers authorized to distribute ECPs in the public sector;
  • providers trained in IUD and implant insertion and removal;
  • ECP commodity stockouts at central warehouses and at service delivery points;
  • and on the availability of quality assured ECP products. 

The data shows that overall, the availability of EC products in the 42 countries surveyed, has improved significantly in the past decade and ECPs remain an important method in the mix offered in these countries.

Download “Emergency Contraception Trends – Technical Brief” here or from the Contraceptive Security Indicators Survey website.

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