UK: Innovative ways to bridge EC to ongoing contraception

November 2020. After using oral emergency contraception (EC), women remain at risk of unintended pregnancy, and thus subsequent use of effective contraception is advised. A study in the United Kingdom tested innovative strategies to bridge EC provision to the uptake of ongoing contraception methods. In this study, a supply of the progestogen-only pill, and an invitation to a sexual and reproductive health clinic, were provided to women who had presented to community pharmacies for emergency contraception. This intervention resulted in a clinically meaningful increase in the subsequent use of effective contraception.

The full article is available on The Lancet’s website: Cameron, S. T., Glasier, A., McDaid, L. M., Radley, A., Baraitser, P., Stephenson, J. M., Gilson, R., Battison, C., Cowle, K., Forrest, M., Goulao, B., Johnstone, A., Morelli, A., Patterson, S., McDonald, A., Vadiveloo, T., & Norrie, J. D. T. (2020). Use of effective contraception following provision of the progestogen-only pill for women presenting to community pharmacies for emergency contraception (Bridge-It): a pragmatic cluster-randomised crossover trial. Lancet, 396(10262), 1585-1594.


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